National Beer Day is this Saturday, April 7 so we sat down with founder of Black x Crafty to get some advice on how to find which beer is the best for your taste buds.
Founded in 2017 Black x Crafty started as a movement to dispel the ideal that black people don’t drink beer. It was also created to provide a platform for black own breweries. Founder, Barry “Barz” Greene didn’t like the negative perception of African Americans and beer. So, he started by making an apparel brand that black people would be proud to wear at festivals and when visiting breweries.
We sat down with Greene to get all the tips on how to choose a craft beer that’s perfect for our tastes. Now, we’re passing on the knowledge to you just in time for National Beer Day.

Founder of Black x Crafty, Barry Greene

Founder of Black x Crafty, Barry “Barz” Greene. Photo courtesy of Greene. 

Where’d your love for beer come from? What are some of your favorite craft beers?

When I turned 21, a couple of guys from my job gave me my first beer, Yuengling. I wasn’t a fan at all. I couldn’t even finish it. Ha, looking back it’s funny how much your palette can develop and grow. After trying that same beer again a week or so afterwards, I enjoyed it. It’s now a staple when hanging out with friends. I got into craft beer shortly after when I was curious at all the local variety you could only have in that region. Victory Golden Monkey, Bells Two Hearted Ale and Mind Games by The Answer are some of my favorite craft beers to name a few.

What are some of the basics our readers should know about beer? 

That there is plenty of styles out there from everyone. If you’re only perception of beer is widely known domestics such as Budweiser or Miller Light, then you’re missing the hundreds of breweries that work to make a beer specifically for you! Whether you are into coffee or prefer something more on the citrus side of things, it’s available.
Black x Crafty product
Black x Crafty created product for black beer lovers to sport at every boozy event. Get yours here.

How can those unfamiliar with beer figure out which craft beer is best for them? Where should they start?

I would say start with a beer lighter in color with a low ABV. ABV or alcohol by volume is used to determine how much alcohol a beer contains. Particular styles to look for when starting out consists of Pale Ales. Lagers, Goses as well as Saisons. Pick up a can or bottle and see if contains a fruit you may like. Ciders could also help seegway into beer. Also, take more than a sip, beer is an acquired taste.

How will you be celebrating National Beer Day?

I’ll be on my balcony more than likely cracking open some bottles I’ve been holding on to for a while. I’ve also have some Netflix to catch up on so I’ll be binge watching a couple series.

Anything else our readers should know?

Yes! On May 8 in Charlotte, NC I will be hosting a spoken word event at Resident Culture Brewing! Tickets include your first beer. We are looking to help people discover the ambiance of breweries and a beer they will enjoy in a familiar setting! Tickets are available here.
Ready to put your new found beer knowledge to the test? Join us on April 12 in Atlanta at our #WishYouWereBeer event!

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