Still here, but it’s not so bad.

It’s funny how yesterday a good friend of mine was joking about how I used to cry for McDonalds. I certainly didn’t think I’d still be here writing a year later so it’s overwhelming to see the progress.

This is just the beginning…

A year ago today, I wrote my first post on this site and I just wanted to say how humbled I am that you continue to read and support Food Before Love. I appreciate you if you come on here daily or monthly. It takes a lot to just leave my words on the internet, and my opinions for you to share, accept or disagree with. So if you’ve ever given me feedback, good or bad, thank you. i hope you’re running around the world enjoying all the good food the world has to offer.

Founder Food Before Love

I absolutely LOVE FOOD. I could talk about it all day if you let me, and you do. Some of you even laugh at my corny jokes while you read, go to restaurants I’ve been to, and try “what Cass said I have to have here” so Thank you!

Slowly but surely, the blog is growing. We do Restaurant Reviews, have done Sweet Tours, Brunch Parties, Dinner events, Food and Wine pairings, and more to come. I can’t even believe it’s all that it is but there is so much more to do. Please continue stick along for the ride because we have so much more planned for the site, and after all I do this for you. Yes, YOU.

I’m going to cut this short but I hope you understand my gratitude. To everyone who said they were proud, who pushed me, who encouraged me to do it myself, who said they loved the blog, my readers, if you’ve been to an event we hosted, if you follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram , THANK YOU.

Remember to never leave love out of the equation.




0 thoughts

  • Marcy

    Started from McDonald’s now you’re here! I just want to say in the short time I have known you, you have become my food expert and go to event planner! I remember when i began to follow you on twitter and you would rant about McNuggets, now it’s truffles and stuffed salmon glazed with mango sauce. You are an awesome food blogger and I know personally this is your passion!! EAT ON GIRL!

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