If you love cooking, you’ll know about that warm feeling that you get inside your tummy when you buy a new kitchen utensil or gadget. No matter how much these things cost, you see them, want them, and have to have them pretty much immediately. Who knew that they could change up your life so much? And if they can save you some time where the boring jobs are concerned, then that’s even better.

We’ve put together a list of 8 kitchen utensils that you need if you’re a cooking lover – and a utensil addict – so that you can cook up a storm, all whilst impressing your dinner party guests. Whilst the list could go on into infinity, that would just impact your bank account a little too much, and we’ve got other things to do, like using these things in our own kitchens, you know? Here’s our hot take on the best utensils out there.

Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Pexels.


OK, most food lovers already have one of these, but there’s something to be said for the spiralizer. In fact, there is a lot to be said for it. Is there anything that you can’t put into one of these things, to make something delicious and healthy? Whilst most people use this utensil for courgetti (which does work as a healthy alternative to pasta) you don’t have to draw the line here. This is one of those tools that you just have to be a little bit experimental with, so try it out with some of your favorite vegetables and see what you can come up with. There are some clever spiralizer recipes online, too!

Garlic grater plate

Most people love cooking with garlic, and if you’re not a fan, then… well, what’s wrong with you? Whether you’re always eating garlic or not, though, you really do need to get your hands on a grater plate. First off, cutting up garlic with a knife takes forever, the pieces are never small enough, and if you can do this without almost cutting your fingers off, then well done. If you use a garlic chopper, it’s objectively the most difficult thing to wash in the world. These grater plates, however, are adorable, they look great in your kitchen, and they work for a whole variety of foods. A must for any cooking lover.

Apple slicer

OK, we know what you’re thinking. Apple slicer? Isn’t that just a knife? However, once you see one of these things, you’ll never slice your apple the bog standard way again. You just have to put the slicer on top of the apple (which you sit in a bit of plastic) and push it downwards. Not only will this take the core out of the apple, but it also cuts it into convenient slices. You can get these things from places like IKEA and other stores that stock cooking utensils, and they’re super cheap. We don’t know how else to sell it to you: they work, and they’re a lot of fun for those who love utensils, you know?

Pancake pen

This one may not seem like an essential, but trust us, it is. When pancake day comes around, you’re going to want to have one of these bad boys. In fact, you’re going to want it on the weekend, too, when you treat yourself to a delicious breakfast. Want to make a pancake that looks like a love heart? Or perhaps one that spells out your name? Or maybe you’re one of those people who can do something a little more impressive than the rest of us, so, you know, this is definitely more ideal for you. Get your hands on a pancake pen, and see how you can change up your breakfasts.

Photo via Pexels.

Pizza stone

Mamma mia! (Sorry). If you want pizza just like they make it in Italy, then you need to buy yourself a pizza stone. Pizza just doesn’t really cook properly using normal oven trays, and if the Italians saw you doing it… well, they wouldn’t be very happy. The best pizza stones are usually ceramic, so have a look for the best ceramic cookware out there on the market. If you love pizza, and you’re a big fan of making it from scratch, then this is definitely a key utensil for your kitchen. You can even put some of them on the barbecue, if you really want to impress your guests with your hosting skills!

Egg minder

OK, this is one of the coolest things that we’ve ever seen. An egg minder is pretty much a normal egg holder on the surface. However, you can sync this thing up with your phone, and it allows you to see how many eggs are in your fridge when you’re out, and how long each egg has actually been sitting there. It literally sends you a push notification to tell you that you need to buy more eggs. We don’t really know who this would be useful for; maybe people who just love eggs? Either way, get your hands on one of these if you want to bring your kitchen into the 21st century.

Heated butter knife

We know what you’re thinking. These things are getting a little bit ridiculous now, right? But let’s be honest, how annoying is it when you can’t spread your butter on your bread, and you just rip a hole straight through the middle of it? The stress alone is (almost) enough to put you off sandwiches for the rest of your life. No stress, though, because you can get a heated butter knife to solve all of your problems for you. Apparently, it works by using your body heat, too. We don’t really get the science behind this, but if you want to try out something new then… well, why not try this?

Electric frying pan

Back to things that are actually more useful on a day-to-day basis, an electric frying pan is also a great addition to anyone’s kitchen. OK, it’s not exactly one of the fanciest things that you’ll ever buy, but everybody has those nights where they just don’t want to cook. Because you know what? Cooking is time-consuming, and sometimes, you’re just too busy. Electric frying pans don’t require any oil (so they’re a lot better for you) and you don’t have to stand there watching it to make sure that your food doesn’t burn, because it rotates it for you, and you set a timer. If you’ve heard of anything more convenient than this, we want to know what it is.

Photo by Dana Tentis on Pexels.


There we have it! Our take on 8 kitchen utensils that you just shouldn’t live without if you really want to have great fun cooking, with the utmost convenience, too. We know, some of these things are pretty crazy, right? But they’re definitely worth trying out, especially if you want to bring a bit of the 21st century into your kitchen (uh, can we get an egg minder over here please people?).

Whatever you decide to buy off of this list (if you get anything at all, that is) make sure that you’re always open to new utensils and gadgets as a food lover. You never know how they could help you to formulate that new and amazing recipe, that you never even knew could be so delicious! From the spiralizer to the ceramic pizza stone, and even to the heated butter knife, enjoy what’s on offer out there on the market!


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