I never thought I’d ever consider giving up bacon, but you certainly couldn’t tell at my first vegan outing at Cafe Blossom. Lannie, who has written for Food before Love about her vegan journey, had a great response from our followers on twitter during the Food Fit Health Chat. A lot of tweeters were intrigued about going to a vegan restaurant so I organized the dinner, riled up the good people who inquired and we went on a dinner date to Cafe Blossom. It was a first for many, and definitely a first for me. You all know I love steak, bacon and everything in between so I was nervous and excited for this new experience but I’m worried that I wouldn’t like anything. I truly wasn’t ready.
So I ordered Vegan wine to relax. What is vegan wine? I’m not even sure to be honest. But I was told that some wines have fish bladder in them, as well as, animal finings (ie: gelatin). It’s all very strange. This Vegan wine however, was very good, light in body, delicate, and tasty. I could drink this forever, no problem.
Soy bacon, though; is not my friend. I ordered the soy bacon burger which was super cheesy and the bacon was flabby. I’m not too sure if this could be a forever thing, actually I’m pretty sure it can’t be. It’s either bacon or no bacon, there is no in between.
We had some great people in attendance who really enlightened me on the lifestyle and what I should and shouldn’t be eating. I learned a lot about myself and have tried to make a conscious effort on changing my eating patterns. The question is, could I ever “go vegan?”